Blog of a CPA Mommy

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Shaky Start

So we had way too much fun at 1 am and no not that kind. England had an earthquake. The epicenter wasn't that far away. Phil and I woke to our bedroom shaking. Not fun to be on the fifth floor of the building during an earthquake. Fortunately it was only tremors and only a few seconds. So when we realized the room wasn't going to fall on our heads, we checked on the children, who slept through the whole thing. Then, went downstairs to figure out what happened. Sky News was talking to people who phoned in. These were mostly people who were up at the time. Who is up at 1 am in the morning in the middle of the week? Sorry I've been a mom too long. There was one report on the Internet around 1:20 about it. By this morning there were several reports. It was all very odd, but there's no damage. Nothing fell off shelves. No one got hurt. Very anti-climatic and anti-climactic in Sheffield.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Want to Sponsor a Donkey? Yes, you too can sponsor a donkey. I think that has to be one of the strangest things about living here in England. The commercials you see during the day are sometimes the weirdest. However, this one is on all the time. This one disturbs us everytime we see which is frequently. Don't talk and drive. I mean it's seriously disturbing. For Christmas there were ads to give Loos to the world campaigns. Maybe it's just daytime tv ads. I can't wait to have DVR again. Hopefully I won't get sucked into the repeat of series back home. Though I've found some new shows to watch such as Bones and Ghost Whisperer. Yes, the only thing we really watch are American show reruns and Dr. Who, which the new season hasn't started yet.

Wait don't forget the new "your brain on drugs" .

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Last night we had friends over for dinner and a game of Settlers. Today has been a lazy day. I finally converted all my files to my new laptop and am writing on it right now. It took a few hours which was expected. I found some cool gadgets for Vista to put on the sidebar. Otherwise, I hate Vista. It's not very intuitive and I can't back track to a Windows XP look just so I can find stuff. (When XP came out you could change the look back to 98). The networking options are horrendous. They are impossible to figure out how to do the most simple things. Okay enough about the computer. It was after all my gift for the next several holidays including last Xmas and today.

So the kids are being crazy because I put daddy in charge and just don't feel like yelling on my b-day. Phil let the kids get out the glitter and other stuff to make cards for me. Unfortunately, he didn't pay attention to Lady Jane and she dumped most of the glitter on the table and drew off the card with markers onto the nice tablecloth we had out for dinner last night.

Phil made me blueberry pancakes from scratch this morning. They were awesome. He also made lunch for everyone and has done a wonderful job fielding the kids' endless questions, which I've been diverting to him all day. I can have at least one day. Overall it's been a nice day and after dinner we'll have some cake. Oh, Phil's making dinner too.

I've had a wonderful year. England has been amazing and an unforgettable experience. In less than four weeks we'll be in our own house. For a while it will feel very surreal as we get back into old habits. And at some point England will feel surreal. I'm very excited to see what the next year will bring into our lives as Little Man returns to school and Lady Jane starts in the fall.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Peanut Butter Cookies and Trex

Something that doesn't exist here in England is the Peanut Butter Cookie. I know sacriledge. Also you won't find shortening by that name, the brand is Trex. Last week after dinner Phil, the kids and I made Peanut Butter Cookies with Trex and ended up with a really dry dough. The cookies still tasted good, but it was definitely not the cookie I remembered.

So I remade them today. Now the first time I did dump in the peanut butter, Trex, brown sugar and sugar into the bowl and mixed them. Today I used I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and peanut butter and creamed them together before adding the sugars. My batter is soft and moist. Not something most people would say, but I'm going to run with it. The cookies are in the oven I'll give you the verdict after the kids get home from school.

Cookies good! Though they would like chocolate chips in them next time. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Something to Care About


Barack Obama ads were here.

I've never been very political, but we as a nation are ready for change and I believe this man is capable of making that happen. Let's hope that he continues to lead the primary (as of 2/13/08 at 8:21 am).

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Age of Why

Children are naturally curious and ask questions all their life. However, there is a point in every child's life where questions seem to be the only form of communication they have. Lady Jane has reached the age of why. Everything I ask her to do is followed with a why.

Mommy: Don't wander into the parking lot.
Lady Jane: Why?

Mommy: Pick up your toys.
Lady Jane: Why?

Mommy: Go to bed.
Lady Jane: Why?

Mommy: Put on some clothes.
Lady Jane: Why?

You can see my dilemna. Though sometimes I may tell her the reason. The next time she asks why for the same command, I get a little ticked. Especially if she hasn't done what I asked her to do. The standard reply is because I said so. Now, I'm reasonable and will try to tell her the whys of things but sometimes it just adds more whys. Such as:

Mommy: Put on some clothes.
Lady Jane: Why?
Mommy: Because we're going to the store.
Lady Jane: Why?
Mommy: Because we need food.
Lady Jane: Why?
Mommy: Because otherwise we'll die.
Lady Jane: Why?
Mommy: Because we'll starve to death, if we don't have food.
Lady Jane: Why?
Mommy: Because I said so, just go get dressed.

Yeah, it's that much fun. Fortunately this phase will only last for a year or two. :)

New one from lunch:

Lady Jane: I'm all done, mommy.
Mommy: Good.
Lady Jane: Why?

I refuse to answer silly why questions.
Playing in the Park

We've actually had sunny days this weekend. Something that is rare in England. We generally go from black skies to light gray to black and so and so and so on. We went to Millhouses Park today. We spent a while tossing the frisbee and playing on the playground set. Yesterday Lady Jane had a birthday party again. The kids have grown like weeds since we arrived ten months ago. We have the next week off of school. Don't know what the kids and I will get up to. Probably just some R&R.

Not a lot of places are open until March, so I don't think we'll do any site seeing. If we do anything interesting I'll let you know.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

So yesterday the moving company came to estimate our move. Seven more weeks and we'll be flying over the ocean on the way home to you all. We also watched "The Painted Veil" which after watching Phil's pick for me from the library last weekend was utterly depressing.

Basic synopsis of the film Phil picked out as sent to Phil "I can't believe I wasted 2 hours to watch that. I love my brother. Mr. Wakem is a bad man who my daddy mocked one day and vows to destroy my daddy's mill. I like Mr. Wakem's son even though he has a club foot. My cousin is trying to get me together with the son, but her fiance and I are truly in love. We try to take off together but I decide against it. I'm ruined and my brother hates me. The cottage floods and I row to save my brother, but he ends up drowning so I drown too. Yeah!"

The Painted Veil on the other hand was a very good story. I don't like some of the plot devices at the end and probably would have written it differently. Which is why I write romances and not literary novels. I like my happily ever after thank you very much. If I want to be depressed, I'll balance the checking account. Seriously.

Today Lady Jane woke up stuffed up. So now not only does she talk with an english accent but she's snotty and nasaly too. Regardless I doped her up with the decongestant that I brought with my from the states and she was able to play at a birthday party without getting snot everywhere. We just got back and found an empty apartment. Phil's being a sweety and bringing me food. Then we'll probably go grocery shopping and then back home.

Tomorrow, I have no idea what we'll do, probably start packing clothes we barely wear. I figure if I pack some of the clothes there will be less laundry? Wishful thinking on my part. I know rationally that time passes at a constant rate, but it seems our time here is widdling away rather quickly. I won't know what to do in our big house with a yard and friends within walking distance. I think it will be surreal for a while, but then England will start to feel surreal as time passes. I hope to remain friends with some of the mothers I've met and enjoyed their company. Lady Jane's friends' mothers who have children Little Man's age.