Blog of a CPA Mommy

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

So yesterday the moving company came to estimate our move. Seven more weeks and we'll be flying over the ocean on the way home to you all. We also watched "The Painted Veil" which after watching Phil's pick for me from the library last weekend was utterly depressing.

Basic synopsis of the film Phil picked out as sent to Phil "I can't believe I wasted 2 hours to watch that. I love my brother. Mr. Wakem is a bad man who my daddy mocked one day and vows to destroy my daddy's mill. I like Mr. Wakem's son even though he has a club foot. My cousin is trying to get me together with the son, but her fiance and I are truly in love. We try to take off together but I decide against it. I'm ruined and my brother hates me. The cottage floods and I row to save my brother, but he ends up drowning so I drown too. Yeah!"

The Painted Veil on the other hand was a very good story. I don't like some of the plot devices at the end and probably would have written it differently. Which is why I write romances and not literary novels. I like my happily ever after thank you very much. If I want to be depressed, I'll balance the checking account. Seriously.

Today Lady Jane woke up stuffed up. So now not only does she talk with an english accent but she's snotty and nasaly too. Regardless I doped her up with the decongestant that I brought with my from the states and she was able to play at a birthday party without getting snot everywhere. We just got back and found an empty apartment. Phil's being a sweety and bringing me food. Then we'll probably go grocery shopping and then back home.

Tomorrow, I have no idea what we'll do, probably start packing clothes we barely wear. I figure if I pack some of the clothes there will be less laundry? Wishful thinking on my part. I know rationally that time passes at a constant rate, but it seems our time here is widdling away rather quickly. I won't know what to do in our big house with a yard and friends within walking distance. I think it will be surreal for a while, but then England will start to feel surreal as time passes. I hope to remain friends with some of the mothers I've met and enjoyed their company. Lady Jane's friends' mothers who have children Little Man's age.


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