Blog of a CPA Mommy

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Age of Why

Children are naturally curious and ask questions all their life. However, there is a point in every child's life where questions seem to be the only form of communication they have. Lady Jane has reached the age of why. Everything I ask her to do is followed with a why.

Mommy: Don't wander into the parking lot.
Lady Jane: Why?

Mommy: Pick up your toys.
Lady Jane: Why?

Mommy: Go to bed.
Lady Jane: Why?

Mommy: Put on some clothes.
Lady Jane: Why?

You can see my dilemna. Though sometimes I may tell her the reason. The next time she asks why for the same command, I get a little ticked. Especially if she hasn't done what I asked her to do. The standard reply is because I said so. Now, I'm reasonable and will try to tell her the whys of things but sometimes it just adds more whys. Such as:

Mommy: Put on some clothes.
Lady Jane: Why?
Mommy: Because we're going to the store.
Lady Jane: Why?
Mommy: Because we need food.
Lady Jane: Why?
Mommy: Because otherwise we'll die.
Lady Jane: Why?
Mommy: Because we'll starve to death, if we don't have food.
Lady Jane: Why?
Mommy: Because I said so, just go get dressed.

Yeah, it's that much fun. Fortunately this phase will only last for a year or two. :)

New one from lunch:

Lady Jane: I'm all done, mommy.
Mommy: Good.
Lady Jane: Why?

I refuse to answer silly why questions.


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