Blog of a CPA Mommy

Friday, January 26, 2007

Lady in Waiting

The departure date has been pushed back to when? no one knows. We finished our trip with 3 choices for housing. The rash was beaten back by figuring out the active ingredient in US Benedryl and searching for it on a UK pharmacy site. Turns out the only over the counter with the drug in it was a sleep aid. After using it every four hours, you don't get sleepy at all really. So house choices, the first one was within walking distance of the school we wanted to send the kids to. Before we made our choice apparently someone decided they liked it to and made an offer. One down two to go. We made an offer on our second choice and were told that the owner hadn't decided whether they were going to continue to let the property or sell. Found out this week they decided to sell. So on to choice three. It's located in a small village town outside of Sheffield in the Peak District. Little Man will go to the local state school. Lady Jane, who will be taking the equivalent to preschool, will be going to an all girls private school in the fall. The house is gorgeous and seems relatively new. It's slightly back from the main road behind a bank. It has a name not an address. It has a stunning kitchen and amazing master bed and en suite bath. They have wonderful furniture which they were willing to leave behind, but given the kids' ages, we decided it would probably be best to purchase furniture. We will have a spacious guest room (the children will share a room) and are more than willing to have guests.

The village is only 10 miles outside the edge of Sheffield, so we can do some shopping there. However, across main street is a produce stand and a gas station/grocery store. There are three outdoor stores (rock climbing/hiking) within walking distance and a nice inn down the road. The local school is about a block and a half. There are many hiking trails nearby. So here's hoping that we get our third choice.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

How's Life in the US

We've had a productive time in the UK so far. We've seen lots of schools and some properties. Eaten beef and ale pie (yummy), steak (not so yummy, not enough fat even on the tenderloin), and sticky toffee pudding (undecided yummy maybe too sweet). Oh and did I mention the rash. When we woke up from our jet lagged nap on Tuesday, I had a few hives. No big, I've had rashes before from laundry detergent. We go out and get some benedryl, which I don't think is the same stuff over here. Stops the itching so we move on with our itinerary. Wednesday awaken to even more rash and continue on with the day. Come this morning, rash is everywhere except my legs. Apparently they are immune to whatever is going on. Even my scalp. Oh, Tuesday we changed hotels hoping that would help. Not so much. So we head to the hospital this morning and they send me home with pills to take. So far (two doses later) I still look like Quasimodo. Lovely, can't you just picture it. So I'm staying in today while my husband runs around with our relocation expert. Thank God the new hotel has internet connectivity. So I itch and can't scratch and I don't know for sure what's causing my allergies. Blech! Here's hoping I'm not allergic to Sheffield.

Alright, then let's play guess the weather in England today. Any guessers? Who had cloudy and partially rainy? We got a spot of sun yesterday. We've found four houses that are to our liking. My husband says the one today is at the top of his list. Instead of a coffee maker in our room, we have a water boiler and packets of tea bags and instant coffee. Oh if you want water they ask still or sparkling and it's served in glass bottles. Satellite navigation system is a neccessity. Since we're renting we've named ours She Who Must Never Be Named. We refer to her as she for short. Oh, don't leave a portable one in your car over here. It will get stolen. Everyone walks so much around here. It's cold and blustery outside, but everyone still gets around on foot. We are currently leaning toward private school for the children most of the state schools don't have room in Year 2 for little man. There are three schools in consideration, a catholic private school for both children or an all boys school and an all girls school. All the schools come off very well which makes the decision hard. It may come down to money. We picked up a pay as you go cell phone. Which is exactly what we need here. It makes it easier for people to get ahold of us.

The Peak district is absolutely lovely. The grass is still very green around here. There's tons to do nearby. I don't think we'll be eating out much once we move here. I don't find much on the menus to my liking. Well, I think I'll go back to lounging around and thinking about not scratching.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Day 15 or 30 Days to Lift Off

Well things have been going well. We got through the holidays and spent a week up at my parents basically bumming around. The kids got to spend time with their cousins and I got to spend time with my parents and brother. We got home yesterday and spent the evening at home with pizza and the Science Channel and after the kids went to bed the Game Cube. All in all everyone was happy with their presents. Today was spent laundering everyone's clothes. Tomorrow will be clean up the house and put the Christmas tree away. It feels like I have a hundred things that I need to do this week. Ugh!