Blog of a CPA Mommy

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Birthday Party

Phil's birthday was Saturday. He hadn't really said what he wanted to do on that day and initially I had nothing planned. I bought his German Chocolate cake mix and frosting and realized how much cake would be made and how few of us (1) would be eating it. In the past we've gotten together with friends for dinner on birthdays, but that takes a lot of work and even if everyone brings something it still costs a chunk of change. So Friday morning, I thought what the heck and sent out an e-mail (not an evite) to some friends to join us for cake on Saturday night. I also stated that Phil didn't know people would be coming over. I double checked the next morning that his sister and his parents would be joining us and everyone else would be a surprise to me and him.

The trickiest part was dinner. I didn't want to make it so early that we would want cake right away. So we ordered from Off the Grill and Phil decided to go get the food. I thought it wise (in retrospect a bad idea) to inform the kids to not be anxious to cut the cake right after dinner because Aunt & Uncle, Grandma & Grandpa, and some friends were going to come join us, but don't tell Daddy. Daddy came home with the food and set about getting it out. Little Man wandered in carrying a chair. We already have 7 chairs around the table and don't need anymore. He said something along the lines of we'll need it for guests.

At this point, I love the fact that Phil concentrates and blocks out people around him sometimes as I grabbed Little Man by the back of his neck and pushed him into the hallway. "Daddy doesn't know we're having guests." "Oh." We're on the same page again. We sit down, eat and talk like we normally do.

Lady Jane piped in with "We need to wait for our guests." The look of death just isn't enough for that child. I inform Phil that I invited his sister and BIL over for cake. He wasn't suspicious at all. He went upstairs for a few minutes and a set of friends showed up so when he came down, he was really surprised. He sat down and the next people to show up were his sister and BIL and then another couple and another and another. We had a fairly full house with kids running everywhere.

It was very casual. He blew out the candles and we ended up with only one piece of cake left and some cupcakes which are all gone now. We were both surprised by the turn out. And everyone who hadn't made it did send their regrets and wish Phil a happy birthday. He loved his Xbox 360 that I got for him. Another reason to have a pile of friends over, he couldn't yell at me for spending money on him. So everyone had a happy weekend. Yay!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Goings On

Little Man is in Cub Scouts and gymnastics. Lady Jane is in Daisy's and gynastics. Phil is taking class and has decided to skip the triathelon. I'm writing, PTO treasurer, and MORWA treasurer. We're keeping busy. We finally figured out Thanksgiving. I've been rather ambivalent toward it since last year Thanksgiving wasn't a big deal. Also this will be the first year of holidays without my grandparents. I really don't have a lot to add. My brain is scattered today. I've got a lot to do and a lot to look over. I am doing NaNoWriMo again this year. I'm on track to win again this year with a completely different book. Winning is just making the 50,000 word deadline for the month. So we're just plugging along here. Hope things are going well for everyone else.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

And Now for Something Entirely Different

I've debated posting this. My friends have posted about issues they feel strongly about, but for the most part my blog has been about my life. Well, this issue affects my life. So before you go any further, I'll warn you this post is about breast health.

I tried to think of ways to start this post. The standard "I need to get something off my chest" or "I have some small things to talk about" just weren't working. So I'll just start at the beginning. This post will not be graphic, just so you know. After Little Man was born, I developed Mastitis in my left breast. Note: most pain or problems start on my left side, I don't think I'll ever know why. Regardless, this infection was easily treated by antibiotics and a stop in the weaning off process. It is very important to treat Mastitis as if left untreated, the tissue can become abscessed, which is not good. (Note: I developed it by taking out the middle of the night feeding. Unfortunately, engorgement is not good on the breasts)

So we complete the weaning off and go forward to December 2001. Probably the month before, I noticed a lump again on the left. I was ultrasounded and sent to the Breast doctor. She scheduled me for my first lump removal on Dec 24, 2001. The lump turned out to be a fatty fibroadenoma, a benign lump. I got to be nicely drugged up for Christmas and things healed fine.

Fast forward to 2003, Lady Jane is born. Again I have a bought of mastitis on the left. But am capable of recognizing the signs and it wasn't as bad. I'm treated and everything is fine.

Summer of 2005, I develop breast pain. Though this is typical in some woman, it is not in mine and it wasn't cyclical, it was constant. Doctor sent me back to Breast doctor. She finds small lump and in August 2005 I had another lump removed. This time a papilloma. Again benign. The pain resolves itself and I'm fine again.

Earlier this year, still in England, I started having pain issues again. I worried and fretted, but did nothing since I was in England and really didn't have a doctor. The pain went away. Two months ago, I again felt lumps this time in both breasts along with pain and tenderness. Quick visit to doctor and again a month later to see if any changes. Some reduction in size had her fairly certain it was fibrocystic changes. She sent me back to Breast doctor for pain management and further diagnostic. Breast doctor agrees with diagnosis, but runs an ultrasound and decided to run base line mammograms. Generally mammograms are started at 35, but because I'm special . . . Yeah. I understand the point of mammograms, I really do. I just wish there was another way to do them. Since most of my friends probably haven't had one yet. Generally they squish you flat as a pancake and take a picture. Mind you, I've been having pain and tenderness and while it was definitely uncomfortable it wasn't horrendous. But I got squished three different ways since I have special needs breasts. Meaning there's been problems before.

What does all this mean? For me, I will continue to have lumps which may come and go until menopause. This will make it harder for me to distinguish cancerous lumps and I'll go to the Breast doctor at least once more to make sure everything is still okay. As to the increase in cancer risk, there might be a small increase but basically no different from anyone else. I'll also take Oil of the Evening Primrose to help with the pain (over the counter for any of you who have breast pain). For you, female friends, don't ignore your breast health. I've been lucky and had benign changes, but I've always had them checked out. This also helped establish a pattern for the doctor's to take into consideration.

By the way, guys, you have breasts too. I know, I know, a manly chest. My neighbor, from across the street growing up, he developed breast cancer. Though it is rare, it can happen. Lumps are scary things. Going into those offices always ties me into knots, but it's better to know. Next time I promise to post something not so .... medical?