Blog of a CPA Mommy

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Little Man turning 6

Friday my little man will turn 6 years old. The plan is a birthday party for some of his friends on Saturday. The theme is pirates. I refused to buy swords for a dozen little boys to pretend to be pirates in my house. Didn't seem like a wise course of action. We will have eye patches, telescopes and buried treasure.

Someone just fell off the couch in the other room. Now they're running around like maniacs. Yeah. Someone please give me the energy to deal with these children after working (I say that lightly given there's not a lot to do right now at work) nine hours. I've cleaned out the guest bedroom in anticipation of Grandma and Grandpa. The children are driving me nuts and it's only 7:50 pm. 40 minutes to go and I refuse to turn on the TV.

A guess this post will be as jumbled as my brain right now. They're quietly laying on the floor. What are they planning now?


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