Blog of a CPA Mommy

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

"Lady Jane"

My mom took to calling my little girl "Lady Jane" at a young age. Though my daughter prefers to be called Princess. Always a little bit stubborn and always sure of herself, Lady Jane seemed to fit. Poor Lady Jane has had the most trouble readjusting to our schedules. Daddy had to leave on Monday for a trip leaving the three of us alone. She gets a bit panicky if I try to leave. She has cried at daycare yesterday and this morning when I left her. She wants her paci and blankey all the time. She's three.

So on Monday, my mother in law started lessons at the local Y for swimming for both my little man and Lady Jane. My little man changed to a lower class than the one my husband suggested and is doing much better (it was the class that I had suggested, but no one's keeping count). I went along the first day to help. Lady Jane sat peacefully on the side of the pool listening to instructions. A late little boy started crying and the teacher took him into the water. At the point where they were all to get in the water, the two little girls began to cry. The other calmed down after a while, but Lady Jane had panic all over her face. The teachers tried to keep her in the water with them, but she ended up with me on the edge of the pool and her playing in the water. The only reason I had asked my MIL to include Lady Jane was because I figured she'd protest because little man got to do something she didn't. (Minus 1 for mommy)

My in-laws picked up the kids yesterday to give it another go. Little man loved it. Lady Jane hated it. Fortunately the Y will give us credit and we'll probably sign little man up for the next session. Of course, when Lady Jane decides she's ready I'm positive she'll let us know.


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