Blog of a CPA Mommy

Monday, July 02, 2007

Party On, Dudes

We're in Birthday o'rama mode here. Lady Jane went to a Birthday party on Saturday for her friend, Flo. She acted like she was shy and I really am shy. No really, I am. I didn't know that many of the mothers that were there and they seemed to know each other, so that left me odd man out most of the time. They had the party at their home which is a 12th century Hall complete with 4 ghosts and secret passageway. The walls and floors were stone and the ceilings were timbers. Gorgeous house. It used to be a bed and breakfast before they bought it. Oh and I forgot my camera. I know someone attach the damn thing to my hand.

Anyway, she had a great time and even convinced Flo to open some of her presents before we left. I had told Lady Jane to tell Flo thank you for inviting us. She wandered off to do so. The two girls slipped by my in the hall and went toward the kitchen. I figured Flo wanted to show her something. I kept glancing down the hall toward the kitchen. I could see Lady Jane standing beside the table. I wandered back and Lady Jane was having Flo open the birthday gift we had gotten her. I went to get Flo's father. He was pretty good natured about it and told Flo to wait until he got back so he could keep track of who gave what. I think the girls got through 2 more gifts before I finally convinced them to stop.

At 5, we went to a co-worker's house. He built his house and it's quite lovely. Our children were the only children there besides a 18 month old who says their names so cute. We ate and talked which was a nice change of pace, while the kids created havoc and noise.

Sunday was another football birthday party for Little Man. This one was the rock star's son's birthday. No famous people were at the party. Just the kids and some parents. The rock star is out of town at the moment. The boys had a blast. I deliberately forgot my camera on this one.

We had lamb chops for dinner last night. They weren't bad at all. Phil did a fine job grilling them. Now everyone's gone to work and school and I have the day to myself. Which means laundry (I'm out of space to hang up drying so I'm done with that), writing, picking up here and there, and watching Quantum Leap (still a great show).


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