Blog of a CPA Mommy

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My Favorite
I have three cats. Each has it's own story of how they came into my life. My orange tabby had me at hello. At the time, I was 20 years old and in what happened to be a short term relationship. I already had my white cat. She moved with me from a farm in Illinois to my first apartment in June 1995. In October, I was dating Mr. Short term. I wanted to have two cats. Mr. Short term said that the coolest cat he'd ever had was an orange tabby who talked to him. I had originally wanted a calico, but decided an orange might do the trick.
I called around and found from Passport Pets that they had two orange tabbies. We headed out, way out, to the pet store. These were rescued pets that the cost of adoption was $100 and included the cat's spaying and initial follow up care as long as you went to a vet on their list. The litter the two oranges were from the Ozarks. Mr. Short term and I played with the kittens for a while and even thought about getting both of them. My lease stated I could only have 2 and there was the whole cost issue. They had very different personalities. One was very hyper and running all over the place and also a little skittish. The other sat regally and was calm. We chose the calm one and headed back to my apartment. I believe he rode home in Mr. Short term's leather jacket.
Within the first few days, the orange showed his three trademark traits right away. He had a voice that sounded like he'd been smoking for 50 years. It creaked and he never really has belted out a meow. He has the loudest purring motor you've ever heard. Or maybe you have heard it and didn't know what it was at the time, now you know. And this little kitten, who I was holding on my lap petting his soft coat, rolled over to his back to get his belly rubbed. This is generally not normal behavior for cats. Ask the white one, she thought it might be fun to try since the orange was getting so much attention for it, but as soon as you touch her belly she tries to rip your hand off.
Over time it was apparent that the orange cat was too cool for most people and if he deigned to give you attention, you, by association, were cool too. He talks to me to and I know what he means when he does. He meets me at the gate in the mornings and waits for me to come down. I love my orange cat and would have gladly smuggled him into England leaving the other two to fend for themselves, but I was afraid of what the travel would have done to him and finding a place that allows pets is hard over here.
So, why all of a sudden a post about my favorite cat? Well, he's sick. He has some infections in his claws which will be treated with an antibiotic, but that's not the reason my big boy of 13 pounds is now 9 pounds. Apparently he has hyperthyroidism, common in older cats. It is treatable with medicine or surgery. Right now, it will probably have to be the medicine course until we're home. If I didn't think it would stress the poor fellow out more, I'd bring him here for me to personally take care of him. My orange cat loves me and I love him. He will be there when I get home and I will shower him with the love he's missing right now.


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