Blog of a CPA Mommy

Friday, June 08, 2007

Are ya fittin' in?

This was asked by the repairman this morning. Blank stare. Basically it means are you doing alright. It got me thinking though. Everyone asks if you've settled in and such which I think we have. We're starting to develop routines and have been doing pretty well. But are we "fittin' in." Phil, of course, works all day with other engineers. His element. I, on the other hand, am forced into the "mommy" role which means you have to put yourself out there and call other people. I think the only time I was truly outgoing was my Freshman year in college. If you ask me about it, you will either get a blank stare or maybe I'll tell you about the time when two men fought with fencing foils in a parking lot to see who would drive me home or maybe about the time when I was sung to during a performance by the a cappella men's group during "You Can Call Me Al" or maybe about the time I was voted the "Entertainment Center" piece of furniture in the suite or maybe you'll just get a blank stare.

Anyway, so that being one extreme of my personality, I'm not really outgoing now. It's hard to make friends when you know in 10 months you probably won't see them anymore. It's hard to put yourself out there. I see the same people at Lady Jane's playgroups and talk to them at playgroups, but during the other days, it's just me. Of course, soon there won't be playgroups, so it will just be me. To a point I'm okay with this. But I miss having dinners with friends and having people over. Getting together with groups for parties which are few and far between with our group at home, but they do happen.

I would like to make friends, but it's hard to find the time to really click with someone. The other thing is they already have established groups and friends and may not have time for new friends. Ah, well, keep plugging away. Before we know it, it will be time to go home and then maybe I'll miss having alone time (probably not).


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