Blog of a CPA Mommy

Sunday, April 29, 2007

School Days

Here's Little Man's first day at school.

And Lady Jane's first day at nursery.

These were two different days. After Little Man had been going to school for about a week and talking to T that weekend at Millhouses Park, I took Lady Jane to visit the nursery class on Monday of last week. She enjoyed it and it gives her some time to make new friends. We decided to have her go for a half day and a full day. Really, England is made for stay at home moms. They now get 9 months maternity leave and are able to go back to their jobs. The amount of Toddler groups is astonishing. You can go to a different one everyday of the week. Lady Jane and I have been to 2 different ones and they're very nice but they are mostly younger children who aren't going into Reception in the fall and are likely to be in Nursery for a year prior to Reception. Translation, the kids aren't exactly Lady Jane's age. Also it tends to be random play and Lady Jane is quite happy to play alone. She's got Phil and my introvert gene.

Add to Lady Jane's lack of playmates, mommy's feeling of being constantly stuck with a little monster (she's going through a "phase" and she better get over it soon), we decided that instead of tossing her in the deep end in the fall that we'd start her in the wading pool this spring. Besides the fact that she was insanely displeased that she wasn't getting her uniform dress until the fall. Fortunately they have some they lend out, so as the weed will probably grow a few more inches over the summer, we will still only have to buy one dress.

We did have to buy some shoes and one word ouch. The shoes were all about 26 - 28 pounds. Note the conversion rate is $2 for 1 GBP. Yeah, 50 bucks for kids shoes. She does have room to grow and we didn't have a lot of choice in the matter as she needed them immediately. They are really nice shoes and quality made and will last for at least a few decades. Of course she'll grow out of them within the year but hey who's counting.


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