Blog of a CPA Mommy

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lady Jane's Flirtation

Everyday we would get to the school early to pick up Little Man (about 40 minutes early, bus is every 30 minutes). I'd let Lady Jane go wild on the school play equipment. At about 3:15 we move to the courtyard to wait for Little Man. Starting on Monday, a little boy, Louis, has been getting there at the same time. Louis asks his mummy if he can play with Lady Jane. She says he'll have to ask Lady Jane. Lady Jane is completely oblivious and doesn't hear Louis ask her to play. I tell Lady Jane that the little boy would like to play with her. They look at each other and decide to play hide and seek in a small courtyard with benches and cloakrooms off to the side. They take turns beautifully with Lady Jane running and hiding behind a bench while Louis watches. Then Louis turns hides his eyes and counts to ten. He turns around looks directly at Lady Jane and then heads in the opposite direction to look behind a different bench and says "Not here." After looking around, knowing all along where she is, he wonders over and says "Found you." Then it's her turn to count and his turn to hide. He hides in the same spot she does while she looks on. She runs to some random point, hides her eyes and begins to count. They continue in this fashion for the entire 15 minutes.

This has happened everyday for the past three days. They don't seem to get board of playing this game. Today they were actually looking forward to seeing each other. We drove (YEAH! More on that later) and so I made sure we would get there at about quarter past three. Gotta go, Lady Jane wants to play Cooties (apparently a veneral disease here similar to Crabs). Guess we won't be asking people to come over and play Cooties.


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