Blog of a CPA Mommy

Thursday, July 12, 2007

General Babble

Let's see, school's almost over. Tomorrow is the last half day. My in-laws arrive tomorrow, as of right now they are probably getting to the airport. My favorite kitty goes to a specialist today to figure out why he's not responding to medicine. We're going to pick up my "new" car today. A 98 Peugeot 306 automatic. Sunday we leave for Aberdeen to take in the castle trail. When we get back I've already had a few moms say they would like to get the kids together over the break.

I don't know if I'll get a chance to blog before leaving for Scotland. It will be nice to go and not have to deal with jet lag. Well, except the inlaws will still probably be dealing with it. I just realized I don't have enough pillows for my in-laws. Guess I need to make a run tomorrow morning while the kids are in school. There's a bed place over next to the supermarket.

I'll keep track of what goes on and post when I get home.


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