Blog of a CPA Mommy

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Moving Into the Realm of Real Movies

Little Man and I were sick last week together. Grandma rescued Lady Jane and whisked her away from the sickies lying on two couches with buckets. While we were surfing the cable channels I noticed that the Three Musketeers was on. Noting that it was PG and remembering that it couldn’t be any worse than the first disk of Fellowship of the Ring, we watched the movie. Over the weekend, my husband started watched The Bridge on the River Kwai and Little Man sat and watched it with him. Does he always “get” the movies? Probably not, but it’s cool that he’s moving beyond Disney cartoons. Of course, he still loves his "Noggin."

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Hi Ho Hi Ho It’s Off to Work I go

So since it’s been about a month since we were supposed to go to England, I’m back at my old CPA firm helping out during busy season this week. It’s one of my favorite clients and co-workers that I like and I get to be free of a little orbiting satellite that constantly wants something (food – we just ate, TV – you watch too much, computer – you just played on it, and the list goes on and on). I’m only working part time while Little Man is at school. Lady Jane gets grandma for one more day then she’ll go back to daycare for a few days. It’s been hard staying at home, because we can’t get into a rhythm of anything. That and my fluctuating mood hasn’t helped (Yeah, we’re going :) :( Oh, no, something happened to the contract AGAIN!!!!) Currently, the contract is through the Pearly Gates and overseas for signature. Until the plane is booked I have no idea when we are leaving. So I can give some time back to the company I left and feel useful for a while. Of course, I could do our taxes, but . . . that would make my husband happy. See this is what you get for harping on me. Damn stubborn genes. I swear Grandpa was half mule. Anyway, got to get back to making the chicken nuggets for the kids and me.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Gone, baby, gone

So what was the point of our 1 - 1/2 week adventure in England? To find a place to live. Did we? Well, we found three lovely homes and every last one of them slowly became unavailable. Where does that leave us? Homeless? We'll have 30 days to find a place to live for the 10 months we are over there. In that time we will live in some holiday cottage or other self-catering place. Anywhere where I can wash the bed sheets. Horrors of hives coming back. (shudder) My daughter is bored and wants to go to England. I've been slowly wandering the house, putting things up that definitely won't be going with us. I'm trying hard to stay focused on putting the house together, but it's darn hard when everytime you turn around they tell you it will be a few more weeks. Blah. I just don't trust them to get everything done in a two week time frame. I don't know if I can do everything in a two week time frame. Oh, and I sold my car in one day on Go figure. So now I'm carless and soon to be homeless, but I'll be in England soon. Woohoo.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Almost There

So now it's ten months and we'll be leaving in about 3 weeks. I'm the only one who won't celebrate a birthday in England. So the next few weeks will be about putting away what we're not taking and assessing what we will take. I'm sure there's more to write but my mind is stuck on writing something else right now.