Blog of a CPA Mommy

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Cheer, Baby, Cheer

Last weekend was Labor Day Weekend also known as Hog Days in my home town. They hold a carnival uptown, but it's a great excuse for our family to get together and have hog roasts and barbeques. I couldn't help feeling a little off everytime I drove out to my mother's farm. I pass the road to my grandpa's farm on the way. It felt odd that I wouldn't be going down and seeing my grandparents while I was in town as I always tried to do.

We spent the nights at my brother's house since chez Mom was filled to the brim and overflowing out to the lawn in tents. The company helped to distract us from what we were missing and we all had a really good time. We got to go up to the carnival and have corn dogs, cotton candy and funnel cakes. We played a few games and rode a few rides. Okay I didn't ride any rides but the kids did. This year we got my niece and nephew for almost all the weekend so the kids were thrilled.

I just dropped Phil off at the airport for his overseas adventure. He's flying to Zurich today/tomorrow and then going to Sheffield. I'm not jealous at all. Really, I'm not. Okay maybe a little. Well, more like a lot. But I doubt Phil's work would spring to send his wife over with him so I'll get over it. Eventually.

Lady Jane went to a cheer camp put on by the high school today. I won't know how it goes until later today, but she was excited to be going. We'll see how she feels after. She got her shyness on when I dropped her off, wanting me to stay, but I had to take daddy to the airport. Like all things her shyness will wear off after a few minutes and she'll have a great time.

Besides school there's not much to report, except I did get finageled into another treasurer position. So I'll be doing 2 treasurer positions this year. Woohoo. Actually I enjoy working with records and probably would genuinely miss accounting if I didn't do a little here and there. Don't get me wrong I won't be jumping into a real accounting job for a while. I love writing and hope to give it my best effort. To that score, I'm almost finished with my second book. (The first one was really practice, trust me) After a set of revisions, I should be able to start sending it out for an agent. Ahhh, scary. Oh, and I'm sending it in to a few contests as well.

So life is good, but I won't be saying 'What could possibly go wrong?' because everyone knows what happens when you say that!


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