Tuned in and Tuned out
Little Man saw a giant leap in his allowance due to the exchange rate when we returned since we'd put a no spending lock on the kids. So, he had a nice chunk of change left over. We were at Target yesterday and Little Man was deciding which toy to get and then he saw the iDog. This, of course, led to the iPods. Now he had a decision to make. He could get a Lego set or an iPod shuffle and an iDog. He decided on the iPod. So now he wanders around with headphones in his ears or his dog. He'll still get the Lego set but since he wanted both, I told him to wait until the toy room was ready for the Legos. Our house is covered in toys right now. It's odd because it wouldn't normally be something I would expect my son to buy. When he first got his allowance, all he wanted to do was find whatever he could buy with his $4, which wasn't much and helped us accumulate the gigantic pile of toys I sorted before leaving for England. Now, he takes his time and really looks at his choices and then decides between toys and saving for bigger toys.
Now, Lady Jane, on the other hand, has bought two pairs of shoes with her allowance so far. I swear if I went somewhere shoe shopping that had prettier shoes she'd always spend her allowance on shoes. Or princess stuff. She does want an Easy Bake Oven (Grandma you listening). She got a make over head from her aunt for Xmas. New toys are great.
I have a problem buying stuff. I look at the price tag and freak out a little. I think I'm so used to doubling the price in my head that everything looks way too expensive. We're not talking really expensive stuff, but things like $18 for a kid's outfit. Maybe that is outrageous. Enough about money for now.
Little Man saw a giant leap in his allowance due to the exchange rate when we returned since we'd put a no spending lock on the kids. So, he had a nice chunk of change left over. We were at Target yesterday and Little Man was deciding which toy to get and then he saw the iDog. This, of course, led to the iPods. Now he had a decision to make. He could get a Lego set or an iPod shuffle and an iDog. He decided on the iPod. So now he wanders around with headphones in his ears or his dog. He'll still get the Lego set but since he wanted both, I told him to wait until the toy room was ready for the Legos. Our house is covered in toys right now. It's odd because it wouldn't normally be something I would expect my son to buy. When he first got his allowance, all he wanted to do was find whatever he could buy with his $4, which wasn't much and helped us accumulate the gigantic pile of toys I sorted before leaving for England. Now, he takes his time and really looks at his choices and then decides between toys and saving for bigger toys.
Now, Lady Jane, on the other hand, has bought two pairs of shoes with her allowance so far. I swear if I went somewhere shoe shopping that had prettier shoes she'd always spend her allowance on shoes. Or princess stuff. She does want an Easy Bake Oven (Grandma you listening). She got a make over head from her aunt for Xmas. New toys are great.
I have a problem buying stuff. I look at the price tag and freak out a little. I think I'm so used to doubling the price in my head that everything looks way too expensive. We're not talking really expensive stuff, but things like $18 for a kid's outfit. Maybe that is outrageous. Enough about money for now.
At 7:44 AM,
BriteLady said…
I got a new ipod this weekend also (a rather belated birthday present), but unlike Connor I've had about 10 minutes total to actually listen to mine. It might help if I had more than 30 seconds at a time to load music onto it LOL. I also need a FM transmitter for it for my car. Trystan thinks it's pretty cool (or at least the cords are), and Char keeps playing with the box...
I'm curious, when did you guys start the allowance thing with your kids (i.e. what ages)? Char is getting interested in shopping and starting to understand money, and I heard her tell me yesterday that something she wanted was "On Sale!" (gee, I wonder where she heard that phrase...). She counts and is beginning to add (can do up to 3+3 or so). I don't know if I'm ready for her to have her own money or not yet. I can see both pro's and cons to it...
At 7:59 AM,
Amanda said…
We started when Little Man was 4with an allowance of $4. Lady Jane was started at 3 because she was begging us to buy things for her and it was time. When we were considering it, we read a few articles. One said not to tie it to chores, but to give the child what you would use to buy them toys anyway. It does cut down on the "I want" whines, but we would end up spending time in the toy aisle everytime we went to Target. We retained veto rights if the children pick something that we didn't think they should have or simply didn't want them to have. As punishment we wouldn't let Little Man spend his allowance. We'd still give it to him on Saturday, but he couldn't spend it for a week. Technically we rarely give them currency. They have a mom and dad bank account which gets added to their balance.
At 10:10 AM,
flatflo said…
Kristi - I had the worst luck with the FM receiver for my Zune. St. Louis just has too much radio noise for it to work properly. I haven't found an alternative yet, as my car doesn't have an MP3 input. I'm now wishing I would've spent the $$ on the car upgrade last year, as it would've helped me through the NPR fund drive.
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