Blog of a CPA Mommy

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Lonely Days, Lonely Nights

Little Man and I have been having to fend for ourselves this week. Daddy had a trip for work and Lady Jane got grandma napped. We went up to my parents' house this weekend. My mom had forewarned me to pack Lady Jane some extra clothes. We aren't quite sure when she intends to bring back Lady Jane, but mom said something about August...but potentially next week. I've signed up Lady Jane and Little Man for swimming lessons at the Y and have trial dates for both of them at a Gymnastics training center (for lack of using the facility's actual name). So in a few weeks we'll start our routine.

Yesterday I haggled the heck out of a new car, but still haven't received said car. If it doesn't go through I won't be heartbroken, though I'll be bummed about having to car shop again. It takes way too much time, but at least I could save some money on a used POS. Today our ship came in. Or at least, our shipment from England. So I have lots of stuff and no where to put it all yet. I'd like to get a new computer desk. Nothing fancy. We just don't need the closed doors of the computer hutch anymore and we'd like some space on the desktop. Both kids are fairly good about using the computer and don't just randomly press buttons anymore. Though we will have to beware when wandering toddlers come over.

Which brings me to my next issue? No not toddlers. French doors. I've been wanting to close off the computer room/music room with French doors. I want to redo the pantry. Our bedroom needs to be finished. Our closet needs to be reorganized. The guest bedroom closet needs to be reorganized. The kids' closets need to be reorganized. The patio needs to be paved. The dining room paint needs to be finished. The built in wall between the family room and the office needs to be torn out and replaced and the base board replaced in both rooms. I need to reduce the clutter in my house by 50%. I'd like book shelves to go with the new desk. We need a new couch (something smaller). Our dining room needs a new light fixture and the current fixture needs to go up in our bedroom which needs trim, a faux fireplace box and mantel, painting and new curtains. We need more space and less stuff. We need, we want, same diff.

It's good to be home.


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