Blog of a CPA Mommy

Friday, October 12, 2007


Always pleasant to be awaken at 4 am by a child saying they've been sick in his bed. And by sick, I mean really sick. I woke Phil up to help and then realized Mr. Gags on Lint probably wouldn't fare well with the task at hand. Little Man was in the bathroom waiting to see if he had anything left. Judging my the bed I'd say no. Meanwhile, moved Lady Jane to my spot next to Dad who went back to sleep. I'm not mad at him. I told him to. He has to work.

Fortunately the kids have separate beds. Unfortunately, Little Man's doesn't have a mattress pad. Fortunately of all the mattresses in the apartment, that is the one we bought. So I go downstairs to get papertowels and a trash bag. I thought briefly of a towel, but ewww. I proceed to mop up the mess and then undress his bed. Back downstairs to throw the sheets and duvet cover in the washer. Back upstairs, get Little Man his robe. Tell Lady Jane to go back to sleep. Brought upstairs with me upholstrey cleaner and air freshener. Spray room and mattress thoroughly. Ask Lady Jane why she's not asleep. Take a Tums for my now slightly queasy tummy. Escort Little Man downstairs to living room. Frantically try to think of something to use as bucket. We don't have one. I have one hard floor in the kitchen and carpet everywhere else. I have a set of plastic bowls and have never and probably will never use the extra large one. It will have to do. Set it down next to Little Man and hear commotion upstairs. Go back upstairs and find Lady Jane back in her bed crying. Fiddle with lights to her satisfaction, leave her to go back down to boy.

Turn on TV for a bit knowing there's always a curtain call and sure enough fifteen minutes later, his stomach is completely empty. Sip some water. Lay back down on couch and me in chair. Fall asleep. Wake up around 6:30 for further fun praising the porcelein god. Sip some water and lay back down with TV. Phil needs to leave for work and can't help take Lady Jane to school, so I drag my sorry a** upstairs and wake up the usually sullen Lady Jane, but this morning she's bright and chipper. We get dressed without the usual antics and head downstairs. Phil makes Lady Jane her breakfast and heads to work. I throw on clothes from the floor because damnit I'm tired and really could give a crap about what I look like. I cleaned up yak earlier. So, I make sure Little Man is fine and drive Lady Jane the block to school. I drop her off and run into the main building to let his teachers and the office know Little Man is sick. I come back home to Little Man whose feeling hungry. Make him drink lots of water and pee before giving him two pieces of toast, half of one is still on the plate. He fell asleep about 45 minutes ago. Doesn't appear to have a fever or anything, so maybe this will be it.

I hope this is not a portent. I really want to say "of things to come" but according to the dictionary that would be redundant, so I'll hold myself back. Now if only I could sleep.


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