Blog of a CPA Mommy

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Swapping Kids

I negotiated the trade of Little Man for one of Lady Jane's "boyfriends" on Wednesday. As her teacher says "She's one for the boys." God, save me. Anyway, prince charming (hey, she says she's going to marry him and she always said she was marrying prince charming) came over to play while Little Man went to his brother's house. Inviting a boy over when Little Man is home is just not a good idea. Someone's going to get left out and it would probably be Lady Jane. So they snacked and colored and played and had tea (evening meal). Random comments heard from the toy room.

"We're getting married, right?" Lady Jane
"Yeah." Prince Charming

"Who's toy is this?" Prince Charming
"Little Man's." Lady Jane
(he was really obsessed about whose toy was whose, but when you have an older brother and a younger brother, I guess you'd have to be.)

The two got along famously and had a good time playing. When I took them down to exchange prisoners (prince charming for Little Man). Prince Charming invited Lady Jane to play in the garden for a while. So we stayed for a bit longer to play in the garden. Little Man had a good time playing with PC's older brother whose in LM's class. (I'm sorry but eventually initialization of nicknames was going to have to happen).

Of course, we ran to the grocery store after to grab a treat. By the time we got home, I glanced at my watch and saw that it was almost bedtime. So I put them to bed and then came down and turned on the telly and realized I put them to bed an hour early! Much chagrinned I went upstairs and said, "I'm sorry. It's not bedtime yet. Do you guys want to get up for a bit?"


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